Tuesday 28 May 2013

How can anything grow in this awful weather?

Today at midday, it was about 10 degrees and raining.  Probably a bit warmer down south, but here in the lakes we were suffering.   The heating cannot possibly go on in May, so its woolly jumpers and thick socks all round :) 

A quick pop up to the allotment to see the potatoes are benefitting from the rain, but everything else is growing so slowly.  This time last year the broad beans were ready to harvest, but not for a while will they be ready yet. One has some pretty dappled flowers but the others remain small.

When is a mole not a beauty spot?  when it is one of those unwanted fiends intent on destroying your potential prizewinning peas.  There are many empty spaces for the little monster to push the mounds of earth up into, but no, he (or she) choses the spots where things are newly planted, trying to undo all the hard work of the well nurtured plants.  Bless!!!

The brassicas are looking very green and healthy, lots of netting on to keep the pigeons away. They love to peck the green leaves, and managed to obliterate an entire brassica patch a few years ago, (before I realised the need to net!)

The fennel plants are looking strong, hopefully establishing themselves, though they have been resting in the cold frame for a week, so should be reasonably hardened off. 

Still only have 3 asparagus spears from 5 plants, which is a disappointment, but maybe they will do better next year.  They hate the cold so maybe they are just hibernating this year!

Hoping for some warmer weather soon.!

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